
Gee, who knew letting the LJ go would be so liberating! I’m back to posting all the nonsense of my life again. Yay!

I bought a lawn mower today. Damn, it’s nicer than my car. I also bought a weed whacker and lots of accessories to go with each of them. Of course, in my novice ways, I broke the weedeater straightaway, but it’s fixable (just not by me). Heh.

New RR/RW challenge starts tonight and we’ll see how the new faces are, though I’m doubting I’ll like it as much as the previous challenges.

Ton of work related tasks to finish this week, starting tomorrow with the bombardment of seniors with all the crap they didn’t complete aleady. Joy. The good news is that I get to hang out with Flo for a little bit, so that will be nice. Throw in some and it’s a BCHS reunion! 😆

9 thoughts on “Whacker!”

  1. haha weed whacker..lol tell flo i said hey. and we are gonna have to hang again soon:nod: when im done finishing up my NYC pics i will show them to ya

  2. OMG, your pictures are so much better than mine! :clap: I’m glad I got your head in that one shot :clown: Ooh, guess what! Flo’s engaged…nice ring and all!

  3. Im actually suprised they turned out as good as they did considering they were taken by a disposable camera:smile:
    wow, i need to go down there and see her..

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