Farscape, The End

After watching all four seasons of Farscape and The Peacekeeper Wars, it’s over. Now, not surprisingly, I feel a little hollow inside. It would seem that it was only Season 3 that I hated so much. Once Season 4 revved up, I started to like it a little more again. I think I’m going to record my thoughts by character, rather than by season or episode.

John Crichton- enjoyable enough as a character; always had watery eyes, which was a bit distracting; played well with Harvey; nice behind; became hugely annoying with the constant “Wormhole!” stuff

Aeryn Sun- much more pleasant to watch than I had anticipated; really pretty make-up in Season 4

Pa’u Zotoh Zhaan- my favorite; just a lovely, lovely, soothing presence; didn’t realize she was really gone until it was too late to grieve; didn’t like the lack of gorgeous make-up in return eps.

Ka D’Argo- grew on me fast; underused from Season 2 on; hilarious when driving the police car, “Prepare for engagement!”; one of my favorites; understandable, but I HATE his ending

Rygel XVI, Dominar- love, just love him; even though I love Zhaan, when he called her a blue-ass bitch I laughed until I had tears; always had me wondering if he’d really sell them out; actually felt sorry for him when Orhn betrayed him

Captain Bialar Crais- another favorite; I ship Crais/Aeryn; looking back, he had more character development than almost anyone; love that Talyn chose him; cried hard when he and Talyn sacrificed themselves in such a moment of resolute heroism

Pilot and Moya- who knew Pilot had so much emotional pain? I really appreciated his brief, but moving, backstory; easy to see why everyone wanted to save Moya- she served them well; easily two of my favorite characters

Stark- um, Zhaan liked him, so that’s good enough for me; didn’t care for his ending

Moonface Droopy Boob PK- oh, alright, Commandant Mele-On Grayza- yeah, no love

Chiana- the only character hated more than MFDB PK; least favorite character EVER; annoying and poorly acted; great hair in Season 4

Jool- see above, but exclude the hair part; just an unattractive annoying louse

Sikozu- it figures that my favorite new person turns out that way; still love her; always kept me guessing

Scorpius- *squeed* when he finally showed up; always felt sympathetic to his plight; as Harvey and Scorpius, the best actor on the show; hit every note just perfectly; love, just love

I’m will probably return to this post to add thoughts as time goes on, but overall, this was a enjoyable series and I would like to thank and for encouraging me to watch it. In my defense, at least I was able to avert the trauma of the “Season 4 Ending” since I already had The Peacekeeper Wars in hand.

5 thoughts on “Farscape, The End”

  1. AAAH So you’re done, eh?:clap:

    Aaah I’m so glad you liked it! D’Argo definitely DID NOT have a nice ending and I hated it as well… he deserved more than that. I’m glad we agree about most the characters, like D’Argo, Zhaan, Rygel, Scorpy, Jool, Grayza… I ADORE Rygel… Actually, all the muppets in this series were awsome.
    Crais and Talyn dying had a huge impact on me as well… Crais was such an amazing character.

    But now that you said some good things about Season 4, I might go back and actually watch it… I mean, ?I only watched the final 4 and the first 5… and “Terra Firma”… I didn’t watch any of the others, or just saw bits and pieces. I never really understood what was going on… maybe that’s why I never really cared for it.

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