Second Verse…

Same as the first.  Work is just, um, wow.  I keep making the same corrections that I made earlier this year and things keep getting messed up (by others).  Yeah.  That’s how it is.  I’m sorry I haven’t been around much, but once the school year gets started and I do Dragon*Con, it’ll get better.  Promise.

I have to say, though, I’ve had a bit of LJ drama the past couple of days.  A very talented rec’er posted an eloquent poll about vidding and vid recommending.  I’m in awe of this person, so I answered.  I even left a comment about one of the subjects of the poll about visitors being turned off by bad graphics and poorly written summaries.  In my usual self-snarky way, I was like, “Aw, damn, my graphics SUCK and my few summaries do too.  I guess I’m in REAL trouble” or something to that effect.  The poster and a couple of other people were fun and nice and pretty much played along, but one chick, whom I have never heard of in ANY fandom was like, “Since you admit you suck at everything, I’ll NEVER watch your vids”.  Pfft.  Whatever.  This is a grown woman with cartoons (anime) on her site.  Just what vids of mine would this person even “get” anyway?!?  had the most lovely comeback and gawd! I just love him.  He said, “Well, if she can’t even understand your comment, your vids would be way over her head,” only entirely full of snarky goodness.  Yup.  He was just what I needed to put it behind me and um, get me back to work.  Hey, come to think of it, DAMN you, Ben.  I didn’t want to go back to work!  Hee!  Actually, the result of the whole ordeal is that I intend to use LJ even less than I already did, because I’m too old and apparently too witty for this crap.

G’night for now, and I hope to be back to my-crazy-posting-self soon!

10 thoughts on “Second Verse…”

  1. if your too old for LJ, then I must be a dinosaur.

    big news of the week: Mary Jane & Sonya broke up and Sonya moved out

  2. Nah, just too told for “serious” fandom discussions. You’re no dinosaur 😛

    Oh my! What’s Mary Jane going to do? She’s not working, is she? 😮

  3. I was gonna go snark that twit’s comment but I can’t remember where you said it was 😛

  4. she’s still not working. she’s losing her apartment, and Nikki thinks she won’t show up to the wedding, since Sonya’s walking Riley down the aisle

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