
While I’ll leave the somber anniversary details to others, I just want to say


Todd and Cole have the best relationship I’ve ever seen and I can only hope to find something like that in this lifetime.


DC and Everything Else

dahob.jpgIt’s great to be home with Da Hob!! I’m still collecting random thoughts about Dragon*Con. I’ll edit this post whenever they come to me. They’ll be in green, just so you know :wink2:.

SG-1 is going to be a Lucian Alliance ep next week….snore. Damn, I hate that whole storyline. A lot. This week’s ep was actually entertaining on many levels. I know the Daniel/Vala shippers are over the moon and Vala fans have to be happy for her getting her patches (JUST LIKE MINE!). SGA was good, but boring as can be. Next week looks to be a little better. Entertainment Weekly just put out the Fall TV guide, and all I can say is, “Thank goodness for cable!” In looking at the new shows, the only ones halfway appealing to me are on NBC, which due to FCC rules, I can’t get, so, YAY! I’ll get to go to bed as soon as I come home from work most nights! Hee!

Stars seen in non-panel situations: Virginia Hey (many times), Mickey Rooney (elevator ride), Kavan Smith (escalator ride), Anson Williams, Donnie Most, Kiran Shah (bar), Dean Haglund–Langly from Lone Gunmen fame (lobby), Rip Taylor (dinner).

Total amount of shwag: SG-1 Tee, Pirate print mug, “Bliss” White Flower Lei (By Virginia Hey) candle, Grima Wormtongue LOTR figure. Autograph pics of : Cliff Simon, Don S. Davis, Peter Mayhew, David Prowse, Virginia Hey, George Takei.**D’oh! Official Dragon*Con logo Tee.

Also: Items left in hotel room: Shampoo (from home) and my In Dreams shower cream. Dang it!

DC Sunday

clpanel3.jpgGet up and get ready for Meditation Workshop with Virginia Hey.  Search frantically for the hidden room in the Marriott where workshop is to be held.  Find room and secure spot near the far wall.  Run over the one hour time limit on the mediation setup, because, hey, it’s Virginia Hey and that’s how she does it :smile:.  Complete meditation portion with somewhat new outlook on life.  Meet Farscape fans and enjoy chatting about it and SG-1.  Return to Walk of Fame to receive certificate of completion of workshop, as Virginia forgot to bring them to class.  Hee!  Hit the Art Show with Ben and pick up fabulous Pirate mug (pic to come).  Mull over workshop choices and decide (last minute) to attend an intimate SG-1 panel.  Ride down escalator alone with Kavan Smith (Major Lorne, SGA).  *squee* Take nearly 100 pics and tons of video of Cliff and Kavan.  Decide to skip final large Stargate panel because NONE of them have stayed on topic and all have pretty much been “fan question based” in nature; besides, still giddy from last panel :thud: .  Jesse’s four hour Serenity game is a hit! Watch the Masquerade Ball on Dragon*Con TV with Ben.  *Huh* over results.  Take trip to bar to see celebs.  See Kiran Shah (google if you don’t know).  Remember Saturday’s bar lineup of Potsie and Ralph Mouth.  Ugh.  Decide to go to bed.

Overall Sunday thoughts:  It’s hard for me to write Sunday’s thoughts.  Being anti-hippie, anti-spiritual, anti-touchy feely, anti-new age, etc. it was a stretch for me to go to the meditation workshop.  Even while there, I never relaxed into my “special place” like many others (primarily because the man behind me fell asleep right away and began snoring–loudly).  Once it became clear that it wasn’t going to happen for me, I focused on listening to Virginia’s guidance from the “here and now”.   I was shocked and thrilled to learn after the workshop that I was not the only one who broke down and cried a mixture of release and happiness at one particular step.  The Farscape fans I met afterward had, too, they admitted.  I’ve taken something positive from that workshop and I hope to continue it.  I have not raged or needed Excedrin since I came back, and considering I work with challenging situations, that’s pretty damned miraculous.

Oh, and since posting my pictures, I was able to find a really good shot of Ben in someone else’s DC shots and I’ve added it to the DC pics here on my site.  Check it out!

DC Saturday

pict0188.JPG Start out day by dressing Ben. Vultan costume rocks, but is torture to prepare. Looks amazing in the end! Put on Carter costume (basic compared to MANY costumes) and head down to the Walk of Fame (yes, again) because you can never see enough stars! Swoon over Cliff (yes, again). See Torri and Rachel. Wonder if 11 year old girls are impersonating them, as they are very tiny. Decide to save $40 since no pictures of or with them allowed. Hmmph. Loop around WoF some more. See what appears to be a tranny wearing a red strip of cloth covering gigantic boobs and crotch area. Learn it’s Lita. Snicker at Todd. Shudder inside. Go on promotional tour with Ben. Observe con-goers loving Ben’s costume. Watch Ben pose for pictures. Love it! After long while, break up and go to the hall for the next Stargate panel. In effort to reserve good seat for inevitably crowded SG panel, sit through AdultSwim panel. Feel confused. Finally, it’s time for SG panel with SG-1 AND SGA cast! Get thrown out. Wha?!? Forced to clear room. Feel cheated for sitting through previous panel for no reason. Sneak back in and get in second row anyway! Ha! Take much video and love listening to Torri beat herself up. Truly enjoy panel! Buy ticket to Virginia Hey’s Meditation Workshop and realize the need to purchase a longsleeved shirt. Go to exhibitor’s booth and buy Grima action figure for Fandom Room and really cool SG-1 longsleeved tee. Generally mill around and snoop out overyone.

Overall Saturday thoughts: I had an awesome time hanging out with Ben. He really got great response from the crowd and it made for tons of fun. I loved finding Jesse in time to see SG panel together. He finally saw why everyone loves Lorne :wink2: I didn’t really do much on Saturday other than the SG panel and IMing Di for hours. Yea 100th!

For astute readers of this site using the Up Front theme, the link to some of my Dragon*Con pictures is on the right sidebar.