New Champion!

There’s a new champion in the category of Worst Movie EVER! *drumroll* The Black Dahlia is a huge pile of mess. I finally got around to watching it today, and all I can say is: If you haven’t seen it yet–DON’T. It’s boring, poorly acted, ridiculously scripted, incomprehensibly edited, and horribly scored. Yes, even the music is bad. Even with Scarlett Johansson looking fabulous, there is nothing good I can say about this movie. I wasn’t even happy when it was over because the regret of even watching it had already set in too deeply. Shite!

6 thoughts on “New Champion!”

  1. Well, you have to be WAY expecting that sort of thing if Josh Blahnet is the lead.

  2. The acting, yes. But the “true” story is so incredibly creepy and mysterious that I thought it would be entertaining. As it was, the story was only vaguely about “The Black Dahlia” and offered a most implausible solution to the case. Arrgh. :skull::frankie:

  3. I would have thought it was the other way around. I saw a documantary on the guy who wrote the bookthe movie was based on and he and other expert investigator types seemed like they nailed it.

    Did the movie pin it on a crazy dentist?

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