Monstrously Good Stuff

stash.jpgYou would think that getting a shipment from White Flower Lei would be enough of a great thing, but you’d be wrong. Having purchased the “Bliss” Soy Candle at Dragon*Con, I was confident I would also love the “Bliss” soap, also handmade by Virginia Hey. After experiencing the amazing meditation workshop by Virginia, I also purchased the “Chill” meditation CD. They arrived today with a lovely handwritten note from Virginia that I may just frame. Hee!

The next great thing happened when I realized that I had received not one, but TWO packages. and sure do know how to turn it out. OMG. No one is a bigger fan of Frankenstein that I am, and my guys are just remarkably great at picking out the perfect gifts. Starting in the upper left hand corner, I’ll describe: “Bliss” soap, “Chill” CD, Frankie cookie jar, Frankie “Trick or Treat” socks, handmade, extraordinarily clever card *loves*, and Frankie dish. (Not pictured because it’s already hanging up, is the cutest Frankie glass windchime in the world)! In no way do I deserve such wonderful things, but I just wanted to say to Ben and Jesse that “YOU ROCK!!”

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