Dear LOST,

It’s over. ‘Twas nice knowing you (well, sometimes, at least).

Someone please tell me if what happened tonight didn’t really happen, because, dude, I’m out. The Others bore me to tears and the dynamic of the show is just blah. If it’s not the Eko/Locke show, there’s nothing I care to see.

As of today, the downloads stop, the dvr is reset, and no more LOST vids will be made. What a frellin’ waste.

5 thoughts on “Dear LOST,”

  1. I kinda figured this might happen since Ekko feel victim to the Tailie curse and got in trouble with the Hawaiian law like Anna Lucia did.

  2. That was a surprise!

    I sorta saw it coming. But WHO stays dead on the island, anyway? He’ll be back.

    Eh you’re sorta right…the show is losing some of its vim. But that effect with the black smoke was cool. It feels like 2 different shows. The others storyline and the beach. I’m not sure I like that.

    And these two new characters!?!? It’s too late for me to care about new people.

  3. Sorry to dig so far back, but I only just got caught up on the last 3 episodes of Lost and I knew I could count on you to comment about Eko. Not only is killing him off an atrocity, it almost makes the ENTIRE last season completely pointless. Sure, Bernard is still around, but all the other ‘tailies’ are dead and they didn’t make it seem like their deaths were crucial to the plot. I think the writers have spun their web a little too big with their gigantic egos. Oh well… there’s always season 1 and Eko to remember. 🙂

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