Polls Show…

Leading in the race to be the most apathetic voter of the year:  Me!

Living in WV (or many places, to be honest), there isn’t much reason to get out and vote.  There aren’t even viable Republican candidates in any real races, and even if there were, I still wouldn’t vote for one of them.  I would vote ONLY if I truly believed in the candidate’s ability to work for all the issues I believe in, and since my beliefs are so scattered, that’s not likely to happen anytime soon.  I refuse to choose “the lesser of two evils” and be bothered by all the media hoopla of voting season.

The only race that ever means something deep to me is the BOE race where I work.  Since I don’t live in that county, I can’t vote for members anyway, so for me, Election Day is just a day to get out of work.

I almost wish the media wasn’t allowed to cover politics.  I don’t think we’re better or more informed for it.  There was a LOT less misinformation when town criers were all to be found.  I’m sick to death of simpleminded people being led one way or another by “something they read” from some biased, uneducated journalist.

*Whew*  Rant over.  Now I have to get Hobbit and Istar ready for their vet appointments.  I do not expect to make it through the day unscathed.

4 thoughts on “Polls Show…”

  1. they have some lovely “bashing” ads down here about the death penalty.
    forgot to mention Baby C has his first tooth coming in and he can say “dada”

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