Winners and Losers

First off, even though they haven’t made my shiny banner to show for it, I won Best Character Vid (Ronon) in the Stargate Fan Awards! Lonely Day was my first Ronon vid and I still watch it occasionally. I’m going to wait until I have my banner before I post on ZeroMuch, but um, yay me!

When I got my email from the Human Rights Campaign titled “Election 2006-We Did It!” I felt sick. No, we didn’t do it. All that was accomplished was the election of politicians who claim to be strong and just, but will inevitably weaken when the time comes to actually affect change. The issues, the only actual immediate and true results, were awful. Marriage bans were upheld or created in all voting states but Arizona, and that, pals is no “win”. True, there were strides made in the choice and stemcell research arenas, but the freedoms withheld from a significant portion of the USA can’t be overlooked with a “We Won” attitude.

Another atrocity is brewing in Massachusetts if newly elected governor Deval Patrick gets his way. This *chants to find non-childish word* politician wants to grant in-state tuition rates to “undocumented citizens”. That’s right, kids. Being a good student born of tax-paying Americans is not good enough. You have to be here ILLEGALLY to get the good rates. It never ceases to amaze me that some people don’t understand what the word ILLEGAL means. Dressing it up as “undocumented citizen” (which I can barely force myself to type, let alone speak), doesn’t make them any more legal.

In this “We Are The World” “Kill Poverty” mentality, we are truly teaching the children of this country something, and it is NOT that hard work, respect, and perseverance are desired traits. We’re teaching them that if they wait long enough, someone is coming with a handout! Yay! It’s no wonder there is an utter lack of basic responsibility and respect in our schools today.

And so ends my political voice for now. Were I more educated and driven, perhaps I would attempt to “do something”, but unlike most other activists, I know my limitations.

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