Heroes News!

bscap0116.jpgI promise this isn’t going to turn into a Heroes worship site (ha ha, get it? *ahem*), but the news in Entertainment Weekly is that some dude named Zachary Quinto has been cast as Sylar and that the wonderfully talented Christopher Eccleston (currently #4 on my future husbands list) will be showing up in a “top-secret role”. Wow! I’m glad he’s not Sylar, because I really am a fan of bad guys biting it and now I won’t have to root for the badies. Or will I?!?

According to EW, we’ll see Sylar on November 27 where I believe he will even speak a line. CE isn’t going to appear until January, from previous reports, so unless he’s a part of Sylar (a vastly improved part), I don’t think we’ll have much of an idea who he is until he actually appears. Come on, January!

4 thoughts on “Heroes News!”

  1. They don’t say if he’ll have powers or not. I would love to see him have them, but even if he doesn’t, he’ll still be my favorite hero. :wink2:

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