Those Three Little Words

Oh, what a lovely day this is! No.School.Today! I took yesterday off because of an eye appointment (no worries, vision is stabilized) and today is a snow day. That means I am in the midst of a four-day-weekend. Whoo!

Istar goes to the vet tomorrow for his booster shots and to schedule his surgeries and I’ll be so relieved once he’s healed and hopefully a little more calm.

stargate02.jpg SGA was disappointing this week. It was, um, nonsensical at best and I hope the rest of the season shapes up to be better. From the spoilers that have been out there, it’s going to get better, so I’m not really worried about it.

Torchwood continues to be a big pile of WTF. I don’t even know why I keep watching. Boredom, I suppose. I totally didn’t realize that Gwen had been the maid-chick on the Doctor Who episode “The Unquiet Dead”. Hmmph. Guess I was too taken with the Doctor to notice the first time around 🙂

The super-sexy Sam is still in it on Top Chef, so I’m still watching it with a smile. More than anything else, I’m watching old CSI eps on Spike everyday. I really did love that show. I think I’ll give it another chance.

Well, I suppose I’m off to wait for the heating repair guys to call or show up. Since I bought the house, the auxiliary heat has been busted, so as the temperature dropped to -10 degrees last night, the regular heat couldn’t keep up and it’s currently a freezing 65 degrees in here. :cold:

[Edit: Man, did I get shafted! The sequencer was bad. Sequencers cost around $15.00. I was charged $59.00+ $76.00 labor. 😡 There goes Christmas.]

4 thoughts on “Those Three Little Words”

  1. Well, every ep can’t be an ace. or whatever. :nonono:
    But yuck, 65 degrees is only acceptable if it’s 100 degrees outside, and then only for a few minutes.:cold::naughty:

  2. Well, this one was just beyond the bounds of acceptability. Plot holes big enough to consume the Pegasus Galaxy and the worst ending for a character imaginable. Ronon looked good, however. :elf:

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