So Terrible

dc0081l.jpgI’m sorry for the lack of updates, but since Ben and Jesse left, Istar has been more and more lethargic and shown a lack of appetite. Yesterday, I noticed a little bit of pus on his paw so today I called the vet and asked what I should do. They recommended that I bring him in so they can extend his antibiotics, so I rushed home from work to take him to the vet. Once we got there, they said he had a fever and an infection and that he would have to stay overnight. After breaking down into heaving sob tears, I left him there and returned home. I haven’t done hardly anything except lie around with Istar, so I’ve missed out on all the New Year’s stuff, and I’m not sure when I’ll be posting again. I’m going to get him a new litter box of his own and set up my room as his own personal haven. He’ll have to be confined for 5-7 days once he gets home, and it’ll be rough on him. I know I won’t be on the computer much during that time because I’ll be in the back room with him. Hobbit will be lonely and sad, but I’ll make it up to her in some way. I think she actually misses having him around because she kept going from room to room looking for him earlier. Awww.

Happy New Year to everyone and I’ll see you around soon. *sniff*

[Edit: The new theme is bonked and there’s no way I’m taking the time to fix it. That’s why I like to stick to my own themes, even if they are a bit boxy. I’m using “THANKS” as the new default. It’s Bean, which is always good, and since he has a new movie coming out, it’s relevant to the times for the rest of you :wink2:]

3 thoughts on “So Terrible”

  1. Thanks! I’m sure he’ll get better soon; he’s a tough little guy. I have to call at 11:00am to see if he can come home. I wish I could stay home with him all day, but I have to get to work as soon as I can–dance practice! Hee! He’ll be sleeping most of the time when he gets home anyway. I just can’t wait to have him back.

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