
I’m getting reeeealy tired of bogus weather forecasts. For the last week, we were promised lots of snow. What did we actually receive? Near nothing. Oh sure, we got a little excited and got to go home 2 hours early on Thursday, but in actuality, we could have stayed with no problem. We got a 2 hour delay on Friday, but that was more of a “wind-chill delay” because there sure as heck wasn’t any snow causing any problems.

Unless we get a ton of :flake: tonight, I bet we don’t get any kind of work reprieve tomorrow. I don’t think I’d mind so much if the forecast didn’t keep calling for snow. Grrrr.

4 thoughts on “S(no)w”

  1. We got snow :flake:
    When I went to bed around 4ish this morning I looked out and everything was just damp from rain and misting. Earlier yesterday it was sunny and warm, like in the 50s.
    Then when I woke up around 3:30 I looked out and everything was covered and cold. :cold: Nature sure works fast.

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