Mission Accomplished

Thanks to and , my first class of Spring 2007 went wonderfully. Thanks, guys, for allowing me to literally crash your home and your Friday night plans. 😳 Since class let out early Friday night, we went to IHOP and I definitely owe Jesse a meal of his choice next time I see him. It was deeeelish. Class itself went amazingly smooth and though I have a ton of work due next meeting (March 16th), it’s all personal reaction type assignments and I’ll have fun finishing them. The one thing that won’t be as fun is making an audio tape of a mock-therapy session. I always hate to tape things because it forces me to admit I’ve regained my accent in full. Ugh.

On a completely different note, my vid program continues to be a pain, but I can say with confidence that I’ll finish my first “Heroes” vid this week. I’m really REALLY liking it so far. Yay!!!

Stay warm, everyone! :cold:

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