Ah, Ethics.

My class this weekend was the kickoff of the Legal and Ethical Issues class and whoa, boy, did I learn a lot. I am really enjoying my classes this term, but I still can’t wait to find out when I’ll be finished with the certification. Ben and Jesse were, as always, wonderful to me. I had the best night’s sleep I’ve had in a long time after we had some Southern Kitchen yummies for dinner. You can almost never go wrong with biscuits and gravy. Yup.

Mini-TV Update: Top Designer (still meh, but passable), LOST (still sucky), Ugly Betty (AWESOME!), Survivor: Fiji (consistant), CSI (always good), SG-1 (veeery Farscapian this time, though good), Road Rules (Veronica gone AND Abram kicked out…again. Yay!).

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