Ah, Ethics.

My class this weekend was the kickoff of the Legal and Ethical Issues class and whoa, boy, did I learn a lot. I am really enjoying my classes this term, but I still can’t wait to find out when I’ll be finished with the certification. Ben and Jesse were, as always, wonderful to me. I had the best night’s sleep I’ve had in a long time after we had some Southern Kitchen yummies for dinner. You can almost never go wrong with biscuits and gravy. Yup.

Mini-TV Update: Top Designer (still meh, but passable), LOST (still sucky), Ugly Betty (AWESOME!), Survivor: Fiji (consistant), CSI (always good), SG-1 (veeery Farscapian this time, though good), Road Rules (Veronica gone AND Abram kicked out…again. Yay!).


It’s snowing. A lot. I figure it’s easier to make several trips out to shovel than to wait until there are more than 3″ and try to shovel that heavy amount. After a two hour delay turned into a full day off yesterday, I was excited when the phone rang this morning. We were already on a two hour delay, so the call could mean only one thing–right? WRONG. Apparently, there’s something called “Code A” which means that kids don’t have to attend, but staff does! 😮 I worked 10-3 and I have to say, I’m glad. Having been out since Thursday, it was good to get back and get caught up on my work. It seems I missed a bomb threat on Friday. They evacuated the school and everyone went home early, so I guess I didn’t miss too much when I was in Charleston. What I know I didn’t miss was my fabulous birthday presents from Ben and Jesse. Those guys sure know how to take care of a girl! Cool animals, masks, and LOTR guys…shweeeet! :clap:

That’s it! Back to work, peon!


Hey, whaddya know…VideoStudio 10 Plus broke. I now have to render after every.single.edit. but I did so long enough to finish my first Heroes vid!

Music: Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood

Music by: Nina Simone

Runtime: 2:55 Size:15.3 MB

Download Full Vid at ZeroMuch

This is a part character/part crack vid. Niki is not my favorite character, but I think the song is a really good fit with what we’ve seen so far. I wanted to make it even more demented than it is, but there is a surprising lack of Niki/Jessica footage, which is surprising because I always think those scenes last forever. Hmmm. I’m not sure if there’s a longer version of the song, but since it’s so short, this is technically more of a vidlet, so check it out (since it won’t take up too much of your time) 🙂

Mission Accomplished

Thanks to and , my first class of Spring 2007 went wonderfully. Thanks, guys, for allowing me to literally crash your home and your Friday night plans. 😳 Since class let out early Friday night, we went to IHOP and I definitely owe Jesse a meal of his choice next time I see him. It was deeeelish. Class itself went amazingly smooth and though I have a ton of work due next meeting (March 16th), it’s all personal reaction type assignments and I’ll have fun finishing them. The one thing that won’t be as fun is making an audio tape of a mock-therapy session. I always hate to tape things because it forces me to admit I’ve regained my accent in full. Ugh.

On a completely different note, my vid program continues to be a pain, but I can say with confidence that I’ll finish my first “Heroes” vid this week. I’m really REALLY liking it so far. Yay!!!

Stay warm, everyone! :cold: