Happiness is. . .

My (all too brief) visit with Narayan was just as I expected, full of juvenile humor and uncontrollable laughter. I’m happy to see that he hasn’t lost a lot of weight during his latest trip to Asia since he normally looks too skinny when he returns. For anyone interested, some of his photographs can be seen at NarayanMahon.com I’m sure none of the recent pics are up yet, and most of my favorites aren’t on his site yet, but can be seen at his generic hosting site, here.

Tomorrow, I get to play “Aunt Jenn” to Cage since my brother and his wife are at a golf tournament my brother is playing in. It’s the Coca-Cola something or other and only 5 amateurs were invited to play for the chance to play on the pro circuit next year. It’s a huge deal for him and regardless of the outcome, he’s really done well!

Ooh, my new principal was announced today (well, the assistant superintendent told me who it is, I don’t know if it’s been announced publicly or not). He seems like an OK guy from what we’ve heard. He’s a bodybuilder and former title winning coach, so maybe he’ll have the right blend of characteristics to whip our school into shape. :clap:

I haven’t commented much on this season of Doctor Who, but I have to admit that some of the eps have been just terrific. I especially like “Blink” and the kooky new Master. If Tennant wasn’t such a loon, I don’t know if I’d find The Master menacing enough, but with both of them running around like demented 8 year olds, I guess it works in a bizarre kind of way. I’m actually dreading the season finale since it means that we’ll have to wait until Christmas for more. I’m sure I’ll just break out the 9th DVD and tide myself over. :wink2:

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