OotP Review

Total suckage until the last eight minutes.

There’s really no need for me to say anything, as I’m sure it has been, or will be, said thousands of times by others. I was completely unimpressed with the Dumbledore/Voldemort showdown, but as soon as it ended, wow! The last eight minutes are exactly how I think of Harry and what makes him so. It’s a little like my “How It Ends” vid, even. So filmmakers, remember, if you have only a few good moments, put them at the end so people forget the rest of the crap.

5 thoughts on “OotP Review”

  1. the opening and the ending were the best parts of it. the rest of it was just there.

  2. doing good, she’s doing good, he’s running now (holy terror) and climbing on everything

  3. I agree with you, The dumberdore/Voldemort Showdown was crappy, I expected WAY more in that scene :nod:

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