
Arrrgh! Like most of the world, I now have access to the last book. I will.not.read. I.will.not.read.

Actually, I don’t have too much problem with waiting, as it’s only a few more days now, but the temptation is soooo great. Arrrgh!

I’m enjoying the first two years of Doctor Who right now. Well, enjoying may not be the right word… I’m actually killing time until Susan and her screechy voice are GONE. I’m very much wanting to get to The Third Doctor, as he is the one I remember most from childhood. I guess our local PBS station had a few years of delay in airing the show. I remember Four as well, but The Third Doctor was my favorite. How ’bout that?

Happy Hump Day!

7 thoughts on “Will.Not.Read”

  1. Actually, I didn’t download it. I knew I’d never resist if I took that step. I’m staying strong. *backs away from computer*

  2. I’ve never seen any of the 1st Doctor, just read a few novelizations. My first Doctor is Number 4. The PBS in Beckley didn’t get any 3 until after 5. I liked three, he was kinda like a cool but cranky great uncle.

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