To Quote Cameron Mitchell

NOT YET, WALTER! NOT YET! S09.Ep03 “Origin” : Cam and Teal’c were going to free Daniel and Vala from their connection with Harrid and Sallis by throwing the Ancient device into the energy vortex of the gate. Walter was dialing the gate, and they needed perfect timing so they wouldn’t miss the vortex.

Anyway, my point is that it’s TOO SOON to be posting spoilers from Book 7, dammit. The NY Times ran its “review” which obviously included spoilers, so as to trump all other media outlets. I’m afraid that I may just avoid the computer until I’ve finished reading, sometime around Sunday morning. I’ll probably just stay away from any news sources, LJ, RSS readers (which will KILL me), and anything else that may reveal too much. I’ll stick to my DVRd shows and wait anxiously for my book.

Another quote from SG-1 is befitting my mailman, who truly is an idiot every day of the week (S03.Ep14 “Foothold”). If you’ve ever seen the Chevy Chase movie Funny Farm, you can imagine just how nuts this guy is. I think he delivers mail to whomever he wants, whenever he wants. I know I received my neighbor’s tax refund once. I’d put my chances at getting my book delivered on time at around 50%. Now I can tell you, if I don’t get my book, I’m going to be hell to deal with, especially if everyone is sold out (which I doubt will happen). When Book 6 came out, I was living with the ‘rents and their mailman is supurb. He even drove all the way up their driveway to hand deliver my book to me. Damn, I should have had it shipped to them! Arrrgh! Why didn’t I think?!? Anyway, I’d say things will be alright, and I’m going to stop rambling now.


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