Improving UPS

I love UPS. I have rarely had a problem with them. This isn’t a gripe, so much as a suggestion.

I’ll start at the beginning of my brilliant flash. Hobbit and Istar are in dire need of automatic feeders. Each of them believes themselves to be either pigs or goldfish, willing to eat themselves to death. Therefore, I ordered two feeders from UPS brought my packages to me today, days before the estimated delivery date. Thanks!

I can’t use the feeders yet. Why? I have no 9-volt batteries. It is my suggestion that UPS drivers start carrying batteries on their trucks, much like the vendors on Doctor Who who seem to have everything you could ever want. Think of the money they’d make off of battery sales!

Gosh, I’m lazy.

Maybe Some Other Time

I’m not going to Dragon*Con this year. I’m really bummed about it, but looking at the list of celebs (the main reason I go), there are only a handful I would have wanted to see. As of today, here’s my list of who I wish I could have seen:

LOTR: Sean Astin

Stargate: Alexis Cruz (who never made it last year), Christopher Judge, Michael Shanks, Paul McGillion, Louis Gossett, Jr., and Corin Nemec.

Others: Virginia Hey (though the workshop is too expensive this year) and the few HP stars, who will undoubtedly cancel last minute like last year.

I guess overall, I’m not missing too much and unless the guest list explodes within the next month, I’m not going to feel too badly.

Another word for A-ha

colin.jpg Whoo hoo! New Eureka tonight! I’m not going to the midnight showing of OotP because, well, I have no one to go with. I would have loved seeing it with Ash, but I’m not as much of fan of the movies as much as I once was. PoA ruined everything, but I’ve ranted about that plenty of times on here, so I’ll just let it go… BAH!

So anyway, yes, Eureka it is. I’m watching Big Brother (mostly out of boredom) and Pirate Master (possibly the worst show I’ve stuck with…Die, Azmyth!) and Eureka tonight and finishing the schedules for the students tomorrow.

Who says I don’t have a plan? Oh, that’s right…it’s me. :clown:

Oh, and how cool is this real life Danny Deckchair?!?

Aw, Luck It

So yesterday (07/07/07) was supposed to be the luckiest day of the century. Uh, I didn’t get lucky. Nope. Not at all. It was just a regular day. If anything, it was a boring day. I ended up organizing the pics on my Zune and adding a few more Doctor Who eps. Fascinating.

I did discover a torrent (not well seeded) of the first 26 years of The Doctor, and within the next week, I should have the first two seasons. See? Unlucky seeding. Also? The complete torrent is 201GB. I don’t know a lot about techno stuff, but I’m pretty damned sure I can’t get 201GB on my 120GB hard drive, especially when I have something like 13GB available. See? Unlucky hard drive space. I’m going to have to go a couple of seasons at a time, burn them, seed them, and move on.

I got all my hair cut off Friday. I don’t think it to be an unlucky situation, as it’s very cute, but if I had waited until yesterday…

I have a sneaking suspicion that this morning’s coffee is the only thing keeping me awake right now and I’m seriously considering taking a nap–yes, at 9:00am.