bscap0116.jpg In your face, haterz! Pure genius. That was the best hour of television in a long loooooong time. There wasn’t one part I didn’t love and even though I suspected the Adam twist, it was still a glorious moment. Matt rocked, as always. Peter and his crooked little mouth had me “awww”ing and Mohinder’s broken nose did, too. Hiro’s all too brief return to “YATTA!” was exhilarating and I can’t wait to see what he does about his dad.

Excuse me while I squee some more over Adam/Peter. 😉 :thud: 😉 :love: 😉

3 thoughts on “WHOOOOOO!”

  1. It was nice to see Matt actually not be a lump and do something useful for a change. But yeah, I saw the Adam twist coming, too. I like it, but I worry now that I’m able to predict the show.

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