7 thoughts on “Pirates, you say?”

  1. PotC:AWE wasn’t as great as it could have been but I still liked it.

    I’ll with hold my opinion of Robin Hood until after you’ve watched it.

  2. I remember when I had first started DVR’ing Robin Hood and you weren’t a huge fan, but I’m up to episode 4 and I’m really liking it. I just want to baby Robin and tell him that everything will be alright. Much is probably my favorite, especially after Hex. Will Scarlett was creepy on the Doctor Who arc he was on, and is rumored to be in the running to be the next Doctor, so um, yeah, all of that adds up to me liking it. 😆

  3. I just liked it less and less as the series went on, but it does level off towards the last few eps . And I hated Munch even before I knew he was on Hex.

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