Whoa, really?

You know I love Pushing Daisies. How could you not? How could I not? I just found myself stopping this week’s episode to watch another Robin Hood. I think I love this show. I’ve added a new theme (not surprisingly) to the site and I’m one episode away from starting Series Two. I finally figured out who Will reminds me of, and it’s Burt. 😆 For anyone who knows him, check it and and you’ll see that it’s TRUE! It’s hard to tell in the new theme, but he’s the guy to the far left in the picture and now that I look again, it’s not hard to see. Yay! OK, I’m rambling.

Wrapping it up now: It snowed a bit today, which is always nice. I didn’t mention that I updated my Zune with nearly no problems because I’ve been busy playing with it! I had to hack the installer for the desktop, but it took no more than five minutes. I’m a technical genius. Yup.

3 thoughts on “Whoa, really?”

  1. “I just found myself stopping this week’s episode to watch another Robin Hood.”
    😮 ❓ :nonono: ❓ :naughty:
    That made my head twitch and my lip curl. Remind me to demonstrate for you.

    With the exception of the above evidence – you ARE a genius!
    :nod: :love: 😉 :love: :clap:

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