Oh, yeah, I’m ranting.

Today is payday. I got my handy dandy snazzy little “THIS IS NOT A CHECK” direct deposit slip to prove it. I did NOT, however, get any money. The bank is blaming my employer, my employer is blaming the Federal Reserve, and I’m blaming everyone (except Hobbit). :ranting:

There soooooo should be retribution for this. For instance, if I’m one second late with a deposit, what happens? Oh, yes, I’m slapped with a $35 fee for every transaction I make. I want my bank AND the Federal Reserve to pay me a minimum of $35 per day until they get my money in my account; more depending on how many times I spend money. This is bollucks. :cussing:

7 thoughts on “Oh, yeah, I’m ranting.”

  1. Oh, that sucks ass. :cussing: I had a similar thing happen with my (then) automatic insurance payment. I changed the pay date to better fit my check schedule and the lovely customer assistant neglected to tell me it reverts back to the day of the month that you first got the policy – in this case from the 12th back to the 2nd. So when I got overdraft fees out the wazoo neither the bank nor Progressive would work with me or admit responsibility. Bastards. :skull: :evileye:

    And also, I have the 1st off. :bubbly:

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