What’s New?

I’m addicted to podcasts. I’m extra-addicted to Ricky Gervais’ podcasts. I’ve looped all the ones available at the Zune Marketplace and now I’ve found there are literally hundreds more out there. Well, I found that out yesterday and today I’m syncing them to my Zune (which is now named HobStar). Even Scott likes to listen to them on the way home from work. Yay!!

Work is starting to kick up as it always does this time of year. I’m getting anxious again, what with scholarships, graduation, scheduling, etc. coming up.

Make Me A Supermodel is fun. I’m liking it. I think if I stay away from the LOST fanatics, I’ll give it another shot when it starts up in three weeks. Maybe I can find the love I had for it in Season 1 and pretend the last two seasons never really happened.

That’s it for us. Anything new out there?

7 thoughts on “What’s New?”

  1. Hey Just read on perezhilton.com
    Sean Bean called off his wedding….You know why don’t ya? He realized he was in love with you…hehe :nod:

  2. Amnesia McForgetsalot – I totally spaced on three major questions I had for you when you visited the other day. 😳

    1) Would you like a Godiva Chocolate Milk Chocolate Mocha drink? :drool:

    2) Do you like Elizabeth Arden’s Green Tea line? :wink2:

    3) Why have you not heaped praise upon my Art Deco wallpaper on my LJ that I worked so hard on? :clown:

  3. Two more questions:
    4) Why do you never answer my questions? :naughty:
    5) Why do you hate me? 😥

    Jonas is very upset with the way you treat me, always giving me the :cold: shoulder.

  4. Aww, Ben. Come on now! I :love: you more that just about everything in the whole world, and you know it. Here’s some answers: 1. Nah 2. Don’t know it 3. I think it displays oddly on my browser/resolution. What’s it supposed to be like?

    P.S. Love you, Jonas!

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