
Did I mention how glad I was to have read Torchwood spoilers? What I had read was true, and I guess knowing made it more bearable.

It will be both interesting and sad to see where the show goes.

Now for the first Doctor news in a long time:

Here’s me during the Series 4 opener: La




WHOAMYGOD! That was just, just, brilliant. Well done! 😮


5 thoughts on “Whoverse”

  1. Pompeii?!? I hope it wasn’t some billion year old “last of” an evil race living in the volcano. :nonono:

  2. :cussing: damn twitchy enter key near the shift button.
    I was going to say: OR the Daleks blew it up to try and kill the Doctor. Or something of that nature. :skull:

  3. Even knowing the spoilers to “Exit Wounds” going in, when the one character was shot (yes, I’m being vague) I was shocked. Because it just came out of nowhere.

    The final fifteen minutes of the episode are emotionally manipulative in so many ways, but it’s a manipulation that works.

    Unlike the casting of Gray, which doesn’t work.

    Fortunately, after beaten emotionally by Torchwood, Who got off to a rolicking fun start with “Partners in Crime.”

    Though it’s not as light and frothy as it seems. There’s some dark emotional undercurrents in “Parters in Crime,” and “The Fires of Pompeii” was a lot more serious than I was expecting.

    I think Who‘s fourth season is heading into dark territory. Darker than last year, even.

    It’s going to be an interesting run. Of that I have no doubt. 🙂

  4. You know, Allyn, I had already forgotten about the character of Grey. They really missed a great opportunity there.

    Who is still a favorite of mine, though I still haven’t fully accepted Ten. I love how it’s darker, even WITH Donna. Can’t wait for Saturdays!

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