My Broke-titude

I need money. I may have to take two more classes afterall, and I want, no, I NEED, to go to Dragon*Con again. In addition to Cliff Simon, I see they’ve just added Ianto from Torchwood. It would be nice to see an actor who’s actually the size of real people and not the “actor” size, which tends to be much, much smaller. I’m not going to go on and on about money troubles, but suffice to say, if I had enough money to spare for D*C, I’d be a very very happy girl.

For the last 12 hours, I’ve had The Lord of The Rings playing.  Sure, I’ve taken some time from watching to do housework and watch DW (which was much darker than I’d imagined).  Now, a little part of me feels lost.  I haven’t watched LOTR in its entirety for quite some time and I’m a little surprised it still moves me just as much as the first time ’round.  I guess it’s something that’s just going to stay with me…hopefully, forever.

4 thoughts on “My Broke-titude”

  1. Okay, Ianto alone is totally worth the trip. :thud: Maybe things will work out for another southerly venture.

    And even though I own TT and RotK I can’t help but watch when any of the three are on TV. FotR and TT were on today and I was sorely tempted to call off work. It still has the same affect on me after all this time, too. I get chills :cold: just thinking about music.

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