Lazy Posting

I’ve let a lot go by without mentioning it on here. Now that I’ve closed ZeroMuch (well, archived it), I’ll try to write more. Rejoice.

Recently, I’ve had a mini-vacation to TN, seen Ben and Jesse, had poison ivy all over my face (second doctor’s visit in a month…yay), and waited for my grandmother’s surgery to stop giving her problems. I found a really cool Zune clock to add to HobStar (my Zune), so I’m really happy about that. I don’t wear a watch and my sorry TracFone is just not something I’m willing to whip out everytime I want to check the time. Having a clock on my Zune will be perfect because now I can watch Shaun of the Dead AND time the AP exams properly. Heh.

Television-wise, we’re gearing up for a late Summer viewing schedule which includes old Star Trek: Voyager, SGA, Project Runway, Big Brother, and Shear Genius. I’m not overly enthused with the newer shows, especially SGA. I seriously think that unless they lose Dr. Keller, my viewing days are limited. I hate that a show that has meant so much to me has brought about so much disgust, but I can’t help it; she just grates.

Journey’s End

What do I think? I don’t know. The first few minutes went as I thought they would (I’d had a week to revise my previous post’s thoughts; plus I got a hold of some spoilers :wink2: ).

I won’t have anything more to say. I’m not unimpressed and I’m neither happy nor unhappy. I will miss the most faithful companion and her family. The TARDIS ride was one of the happiest moments in recent memory, and I’m glad it got the respect it deserves. That’s it. I got nothin’ else.