One Fan Added

My dad is a Fringe fan! I’m so proud of him. He was also a LOST fan in the beginning, but he jumped ship on that one long before I did. I hope he sticks with it this time so we can “Ooh” and “Ahhh” together. He’s going to check out True Blood later today, but I don’t think he’ll like it too much; he just feels obligated to watch any new HBO series because they gave him his beloved Deadwood and Carnivale.

If you missed Fringe, or even if you didn’t, they’re re-airing it tonight along with the first bit of Episode 2. I am so excited, y’all. Seriously. I’m even going to do some of the online Fringe things…something I swore I’d never do.

[Edit: My moods here are all bunked up. Maybe I’ll fix them later today. I’ve got two of some, and none of others. Where the heck did “Excited” go?!?]

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