Did I Miss Something?

I saw Twilight. Honestly, I did. I even have the ticket stub to prove it. Why, then, am I reading about people’s favorite parts being scenes that I never even saw in the movie? I think I must have blanked during many parts of the movie. Apparently there was something about the 50s that I totally missed. I also missed where Edward bit Bella, unless they’re referring to the after-James fallout. Hmmph.

My next “huh?” is about Pushing Daisies. So, Chuck’s name is Charlotte Charles. Her father’s name is Charles Charles. Her aunt’s names are Lily and Vivian Charles. Vivian was engaged to Charles Charles and Lily, well, you know. So, um, why are they all named “Charles”? Is it just one of those small town quirks where the last name is common even though the people aren’t actually related? I just got to thinking that it was odd. Also? What’s Ned’s last name? Hmmm.

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