Five Years Nothing

While enjoying the LOTR marathon (again), it struck me that The Return of the King was released five years ago. FIVE YEARS. I can’t get over the thrill of excitement every single time I see any of the trilogy. Five years ago my dad and I stood in freezing cold temperatures to get tickets for Ben and me to see the midnight showing and OMG it truly was frigid; yet worth it.

In the last five years: I saw the movie at midnight, again the next afternoon, and again a few days later. I downloaded it, ripped the audio from the movie, burned it to disc, listened to it non-stop in the car, bought the soundtrack, began collecting action figures, fell in love with Sean Bean and David Wenham, named my cats Hobbit and Istar, made nearly 100 fanvids, journeyed into slash, met wonderful fellow fans, read the book repeatedly, read The Hobbit, The Similrillion, and a few other Tolkien works, rewatched the movies (repeatedly, as well), got the “9” tattoo, scoured online sites and calendar stores for the newest (or leftover) items, and so much more.

It all feels new. Maybe it always will. Can’t wait for the next five years of fandom! :love:

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