Stop Me, Now!

I wish someone would block eBay from my computer (in a way). I’ve only used it three times, but each of those times I went nuts. In the span of three minutes tonight, I bid on the l.e.i. shoes that I had and ruined (new, black instead of my beloved brown ones), a Zune 120 (which I’m sure I’ll be outbid on, thank heaven), and flat out bought a 2005 LOTR Page-a-day calendar. I loved the 2005 version; all full of gloss and greatness (unlike the 2006 which was flat and dull).

Yes, I need help. I had to buy an outdated calendar because they don’t make them anymore. Except for the day of the week, I can use it with no problem. I use the old pages as hall passes for the students, so you can see that having the calendar was an absolute MUST. Mom bought me a Harry Potter version last year, and I just don’t get the same thrill each day when I see the new picture. The 2005 version is trilogy inclusive, which means lots of Boromir. Oh, god, just think if they made a Boromir Page-a-day calendar! I’d buy 100 of them to have on reserve. Oh! This is amazing–the company I bought the calendar from was Intergalactic Trading Company; the same place I bought all my SG-1 patches for Dragon*Con…and I didn’t even realize it until after I had bought it. FATE, dammit!

My House Faces East

I want to flip my house around.   😡    Every evening, between 4-6pm, the sun and the reflection from the lake out back make viewing anything on my monitor nearly impossible.  Not only that, it makes the room too hot.  Speaking of hot, what the is up with the weather jumping from snowy days to highs in the 60s again?!?

Tuesday is Election Day, next Tuesday is Veterans Day, and Thanksgiving break is coming up soon after.  This is a pretty good month for R’nR, and cold temperatures can only add to the enjoyment of many naps to come.    Bring on the cold, I say!