Top 5- Doctor Who Series 3

This was the companion I looked most forward to seeing. Martha is indisputably my favorite companion, though the writing for her character left a LOT to be desired. This series contained four of my least favorite episodes of the entire show in the form of two two-parters that were universally hated, I believe. Overall, this is my second-least favorite season thus far, which is surprising because I really expected to love it.

1. Our introduction to Martha is in “Smith and Jones” and I can still loop this episode and enjoy it each time. We were able to see Martha as an intelligent, clever, quick-witted, woman, and not as someone in love with The Doctor (though this would horribly change…and soon).

2. The music for the Time Lord/Gallifrey scenes is the best of the show. Absolutely brilliant and as regal as a Time Lord theme should be.

3. Martha’s bravery in the closing arc of the series was inspiring. Good to see she was rewarded for her troubles with a very attractive fiance we saw as Tom.

4. The Master, though totally not what I expected, entertained well enough with his maniacal quest for domination over Earth.

5. “Blink”. Really, we need say no more. I hope to see Sally Sparrow again. Best episode of the show.

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