Tell Me Why

Please explain to me why my DVR was set to record Ugly Betty just as it always does, the guide showed Ugly Betty (with a full description of the episode), and what ABC showed was Scrubs (which I hated the first time around when it was on NBC). Boo. Hiss.

I am so disappointed. I am also so disappointed in Demons. I really wanted to like it. I thought when I saw Ella from Hex that maybe something cool would happen this week. WRONG. I’m not going to be burning this show unless I get a request now-ish. I’d rather have the space on my hard drive. Boo. Again.

Cage’s birthday party was earlier today, and for there to have been over 20 people there, it felt smallish and nice. He’s 9 years old now, and his sister, Scotti, is 9 months old. Pretty cool. He’s so awesome, and even though he was feeling under the weather, he played his part well. Happy Birthday, Cage! :cake:

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