Fringe Binge

I’m going on a binge. Hearing the latest podcast from The Fringe Podcast has reminded me just why I love this show. Oddly enough, as all the heavy-hitters from the top Fringe podcasts listed their favorite episodes thus far, none of them listed the pilot, which was, for me anyway, absolute genius. Just after the pilot, I would say my favorite episode was “The Arrival” in which we get to really see CBG (Creepy Bald Guy) up close. Niiiice.

I watched the season finale of Sanctuary today, and I discovered something about myself: throw a goatee on just about anyone and I am going to find them attractive. Watson as Taneth (on SG-1), not hot; Watson as Watson (on Sanctuary), sign me up!

Saturday. Yes it is.

Since Legend of the Seeker was still on winter hiatus last week, I checked out Demons from the UK. How was it? Eh, um, worse than Hex. Much. Hey, I just made a HUGE association just there…see it?

Anyway, since I’m still in dire need of entertainment, I’ll be watching again today. Sometimes, I really do worry about myself. 😆 [Edit: I kind of enjoyed Ep. 2!]

I’ve changed themes to one that seems to load faster. I’ve done all the little database tricks, cache manipulation, optimization, etc. Here it is, and here it stays. I can do no more.

All Clear!

I haven’t posted anything recently because of RL things.

Mom had a doctor’s visit this week (which was moved up from her original appointment at the end of the month), and today she got the news that everything is fine. No worries.

I can’t even think of any other news. I never actually entertained the thought, but still…YAY! :clap:

The New Who

After processing this selection (for quite a bit longer than I thought would be necessary), I think I’m looking forward to it. I would have preferred an older Doctor, no doubt, but at least this guy seems a bit dark, and maybe not so Ten/Clownish. So far, he has very little experience, which could be seen a a good thing, I suppose.


Full article here.