I Need Something Good

I didn’t work today because I just didn’t feel “tummy-well”. I decided to surprise everyone by showing up at lunchtime and working half a day, but that didn’t work out too well. In the process, I left a task unfinished and had to allow Mrs. Bush to take up my slack and finish it for me. I HATE that. When she called to tell me my contact was there to pick up some information, my head split open. Fortunately, she is made of gold and handled it for me.

I decided to check on a financial matter that is so bungled up I can’t even go into details. That conversation was unproductive, frustrating, and made my headache so debilitating that I took two more Excedrin while hanging up the phone. Ugh.

Poor Istar seems to have suffered the worst of it; he’s currently running around soaking wet because he won’t let me dry him after his bath. Secretly, I think he likes it. Hobbit’s looking at me like I’m the Executioner and won’t even entertain the thought of staying in my line of sight for long. Heh.

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