Twitter Updates for 2009-04-05

Must Watch

fringe In case I don’t post in the next couple of days (and it’s a safe bet I won’t), don’t forget that Fringe returns Tuesday night. It’s been a long time and I hope the gap hasn’t seen too many fans fall off. The show doesn’t have the crazies a crap show like LOST has to continue fanboying its every scene, and I’d hate to lose it so soon. MUST WATCH.


Happy 1st, Scotti

My niece turned one year old today. Since she’s having a big luau Saturday, we had a small princess party today. We have lots of the obligatory “cake all over the face” pictures, and some really cute videos that will undoubtedly come back to haunt her later in life. I can’t believe it’s been a year already!

Happy Birthday, Scotti! :love: :cake: :love: