Arrgh, Good Sir

For the first time in five years, I’m not a Golden Knight. The change in jobs has made me a Buccaneer, though I suspect I will remain a Golden Knight at heart forever. With the exception of missing my students tremendously, I am loving the new school. I had heard some pretty disparaging remarks about the new school, but I have found it to be nothing short of fantastic. For instance, I asked for a USB printer cable. My principal announced my request at a staff meeting, and in no time, THREE cables had shown up in my office. Similar requests at my beloved school resulted in comments such as, “What the hell is that?” or “Get it yourself.” Heh. Maybe we were too much like family, I don’t know…

I’ll post a picture of the awesome mural inside the school once I get a decent camera working. It’s literally filled with pirates and it reminds me of our Dragon*Con badges from a few years ago.

450 thoughts on “Arrgh, Good Sir”

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