The Science

Of all the shows airing this fall, none has me more excited than Fringe. When the pilot leaked, I must have watched it at least twenty times in anticipation of the series premiere. I can still tell you every little difference in the two versions. I also looped each episode once it aired in anticipation of the next week’s (or just “next” as the case too often was) episode. Over the summer, I found myself looping all of Season 1 quite a few times in anticipation of Season 2.

So as you can see, I really am a fan, but some of the casting rumors (some confirmed) have me a little concerned. I’m not sure what’s going on with Charlie, but especially after seeing the Season 1 gag reel, I really, REALLY hope he stays around in this dimension or another we get to see. I also pretty much want no females other than Olivia and Astrid. I know that sounds backward of me, but it’s true. I like to watch the boys’ game. So, there, I’ve said it. Keep Charlie, ditch the new chick. Now.

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