Stargate Universe: Home Alone

There’s a line in Home Alone when Kevin ventures into his scary basement and conquers his fear of the boiler whereby he exclaims, “I’m not afraid anymore!”

I felt like this while watching the last two episodes of Stargate Universe. Well, mine was more like, “I don’t hate it anymore!” I’ve mentioned all the reasons I didn’t care for it in a previous post, but I would say the most prominent reasons were that it undeservedly bore the name Stargate and that the acting was crap. I don’t know if it’s the hiatus that gave me time to cool my dread, or if the acting actually did get better, but “Space” wasn’t too painful at all. I still grit my teeth at this being part of the SG family, but what can I do?

I’m still not able to care enough to actually learn the characters’ names. I’m still thinking of them like this: David Tennant +20yrs as the leader, NOT!Ford as the Black guy, Ni-Chloe (ANTM meets Sci-Fi…for real) as the weepy girl, David Blue (ugh, but less ugh than before) as the can’t even touch Rodney gu), That Guy That May As Well Have Been In Avatar Since I’m Never Going To See It Anyway as the young military guy, That Guy Who Thinks This Is BSG as the older military guy, That Blond Chick Who Is So NOT Carter (but I like her) as apparently a doctor or something, and Ming Na (shrug). Hey, isn’t Lou Diamond Phillips supposed to be in there somewhere?!?

I’m not going back to watch the rest of the first half of the season, but I’m going to keep a watchful eye on this series in hopes it will join my list of fandoms.

Save Our Seeker

Whether the “Save Our Seeker” Campaign turns out to be successful or not, I can honestly say that it has changed the way I look at the internet. The fanvids that have been rolled out during the campaign have been inspiring and demonstrative of just how loyal fans of Legend of the Seeker can be.

I have three that stay on loop. Spiegelwelt’s epic Protectors of the Earth is a very busy vid, but don’t give up…the ending is breathtaking. Jane Doh’s Season 3 Campaign vid makes the best argument to potential new fans while giving current fans plenty of reminders why we love our show. Pat’s Acts of Courage vid wasn’t made as part of the “Save Our Seeker” campaign, but serves nicely as a primer/reminder as well. It’s so magnificent and epic that I have to remind myself it uses only S1 clips.

Go watch each of these exciting vids and let the vidders know you appreciate their efforts to Save Our Seeker!

Is This Planet Protected?

The new season of Doctor Who began today with a very triumphant debut of the Eleventh Doctor. There is a definite shift in tone from the previous series (or non-series as it was), and I think this is exactly the episode to reset with. The introduction of Amy Pond was the best companion beginning yet, and I already love her. The rest of the plot didn’t really blow my mind, but the nod to the previous Doctors was glorious and brought out an actual cheer. I think Eleven is a very capable incarnation and I look forward to seeing him in action week after week.

I’m already re-watching because I let a lot of information slip past me the first time. I also want to compile a list of “clues” to watch for as the series progresses because I think there will be quite the payoff with this writing team. For instance, there is a blue lens flare that lingers for a considerable amount of time when there is no known source of light for that scene. Hmmmm. I’m also curious about the possible significance of the “Myth” laptop. Each of those things may be inconsequential, of course, or they could be related to the coming Silence. Who knows?

Who knows, indeed!! *ahem*