I Absolutely Trust Him

Much like River Song, I find it’s best to just trust in The Doctor without attesting to his sanity, cleverness, or cautiousness. Much has been made of the last episode, “Flesh and Stone”, and it will do no good for me to try to add much to the discussion. I had the opportunity to watch the episode, not alone and on loop, which is my usual, but with a fellow Who fan (Hi, Leon, HI!). I have to say, it changed the way I watched the episode and I let a few things pass by without much question. For instance, I noticed the “jacket issue” but I didn’t put voice it in a timely manner and I let the moment pass.

While I very much enjoyed the episode, I can’t be sure if my divided attention prevented me from following some of the “science” as I watched, or if I just needed a re-watch to get a lot of the nuances. Either way, after a quick re-watch, I’m pretty sure I’ve caught what I needed to catch.

I’m not going to address the last scene yet. The whole thing is a giant, NO NO NO, wait, they wouldn’t do that to us again, OR WOULD THEY, no, definitely not, there has to be something timey-wimey or odd happening, right? RIGHT?!?!?!?

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