He’s Mr. Cool

This week’s Doctor Who episode, “Amy’s Choice”, was one of my favorites so far. Although what we saw was a bit confusing (or rather, confused), the overall storyline gave us a chance to see deep into our Doctor’s mind. This Doctor is not quirky. He is not happy-go-lucky. He is not satisfied. What he is, is badly damaged. When the Ninth Doctor appeared, we got a good look at the guilt, regret, and loneliness. Ten all but hit us over the head with the constant reminders of the same. This is different. Eleven has internalized all of the trauma and seems to be trying to heal through continuing on. On paper, it seems cliche and boring. Eleven, however, gives haunting flinches and gazes that subtly remind us that all is not well.

This episode did two much needed things in a very simple way. It used “dreams” to allow us to wrap up the issue of Amy’s choice and to remind us that our Doctor is carrying his demons heavily. I’m enjoying the season possibly even more than Nine’s because I honestly do not know what to expect from The Doctor, and that is a very good feeling.

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