Hello, Sweetie, Indeed!

The Doctor is in a lot of trouble now. The Pandorica actually does contain the greatest warrior the universe has ever known. Earlier in the week, I foolishly looked at some concept art for the episode and ruined my own surprise. Drats! Anyway, what can you do when you are confronted with nearly every adversary you’ve ever really humiliatingly defeated?!?

You can always attempt to call them out, right? I very much cheered for The Doctor as he made his last stand speech. His Jesus-pose > Ten’s. I’m just saying… I didn’t cringe once during the speech, which is rare for me. I normally roll my eyes at grandstanding, or maybe I’m just flashing back to the buffoonery of the last few years. Then again, I’m also one of those people who has weird nervous habits, for instance, in high pressure situations, I yawn. Constantly. It’s a wonder I’ve ever landed a job.

Without overspoiling anyone, I think it’s safe to say that I don’t think we’ve seen the end of our three-ish companions just yet. River Song, love her or hate her, is important. Furthermore, I think she’s important in way more than a deus ex machina way. I’m smiling punningly at myself right now, because I am in full support of THIS THEORY. As a matter of fact, if this doesn’t turn out to be mostly true, I’m going to be a little disappointed.

Since, like most series enders, we have no preview for next week, I’m going to just re-watch “The Pandorica Opens” a few more times and prepare for the worst, but hope for the best.

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