Super Unnatural

Well, that happened. I’ve had Season 1 of Supernatural sitting here, unwatched, for years now. I would mean to watch it, but I’d get busy with some other fandom and then forget about it. After seeing (literally) hundreds of fangirl posts, mostly from Melissa, I decided to see what the hullabaloo was all about.

I struggled. Badly. I ended up skipping most of the first season, all but a couple of episodes from the second season, some of the third season, and then…BOOM. I got hooked. I got hooked before Castiel even showed up. Insanity. I’ve liked Jensen Ackles since his days as Eric on DOOL, and I don’t know if that biases me, but I’m definitely what they would call a “Dean Girl”. I can’t even type that without snerking, but it’s still true. I like the bits of mythology the show gives us, the humor, and I like the standalone eps (particularly the meta eps) as well as the arcs, but most of all, I like the relationships; the brothers who struggle to stay close, even though it’s questionable whether that’s a good idea or not, the fatherly relationship they have with Bobby, and of course, the whole Castiel thing. (Seriously, Google that relationship and tell me it’s not fandom meets canon and back again.)

I can’t say that I’m sad I waited this long to jump in, because honestly, I needed those remaining eps hanging over my head to make me keep watching. As it is, I’ve had to back up and watch all the ones I skipped while looping it continuously, and I haven’t minded that one bit 😉

2,937 thoughts on “Super Unnatural”

  1. mwhahahaha! I will suck you into all my new fandoms!

    *high fives my fellow Dean Girl* Honestly… I started the show convinced I was going to end up adoring Sam because: 1) He’s a Geek 2) He’s Hot 3) He’s Got that Sweet Boy/Puppy Dog trope going on that I just eat up. 4) Did I mention he’s hot? But something happened. Jensen Ackles made me fall in love with the tortured, co-dependent, hot (hot!) mess that is Dean Winchester. When he gets all protective of Sammy is my favorite. And don’t even get me raving about Cas. I’ll be here all week.

    The meta episodes are among my favorites too. And basically anything Ben Edlund or Jeremy Caver has written for the show is a winner in my book (except the fairy episode… which was uh… odd). And the cracky crazy episodes are so much fun. I have no clue how this show manages to get away with the craziness of some of the episodes, but they do and it works. “Tall Tales” will forever be the episode I remember watching at 2am crying laughing into the pillow so I wouldn’t wake my neighbors.

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