- I unlocked the True Blood: Sam sticker on #GetGlueHD #TrueBlood #RuleTheWorld http://t.co/NDJIbHxt #
- I'm watching Warehouse 13 (3499 others checked-in) http://t.co/SVx8Fzwx #GetGlueHD @warehouse13 #
- I unlocked the Warehouse 13: Personal Effects sticker on #GetGlueHD http://t.co/bPAxvBa8 #
- Quick dins with @kq4q (@ Taco Bell) http://t.co/bAmWToAg #
- @kq4q Hey, I <3 you! #
- Watching the Olympics, @kq4q wants to tell one of the female gymnasts how impressed he is by the size of her thighs. I told him not to. Heh #
- Excedrin: it's what's for dinner. Ugh #
- @RobinBuckland2 Indeed! in reply to RobinBuckland2 #
- Oddly enough, I'm almost looking forward to going back to work tomorrow #mustbetherumtalking #
- @RobinBuckland2 Ha! I have plenty, so no worries 🙂 in reply to RobinBuckland2 #
- Lunch with @kq4q and Alvis. (@ Applebee's) http://t.co/hvzpHQ0z #
- @RobinBuckland2 If you had been at MHS, we would've insisted! in reply to RobinBuckland2 #
- Dear Tim Tebow, we love you. Us. #
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Your blog post was like a warm hug on a cold day. Thank you for spreading positivity and kindness through your words.