
I remember when Legion came out in theaters. I remember thinking, “Huh. Creepy, but probably lame.” Since there’s little on the tube during summer, Mark and I decided to try out SyFy’s Dominion. We’re glad we did.

Being Supernatural fans, we were instantly familiar with the premise and the identities of several of the angels featured in Dominion. We’re both really impressed with Michael and I can’t get over the fact that the actor is in his forties. I just can’t. While I can never get enough Giles, ASH’s Texan(?) accent throws me for a loop, but I can get past it. Probably.

The story is pretty standard good verses evil at this point and even has the “Chosen One” thing happening with the reluctant hero. Blah blah. Even with this potential drawback, we’re looking forward to seeing how it all plays out. It airs Thursdays on Syfy and since there is nothing else to do, watch it!

23,045 thoughts on “Dominion”

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