All posts by Jenn

The Gods Approve

The Lightning Thief A few (ok, several) years ago, I read that a movie was being made of something called Harry Potter. I knew nothing of it. I really didn’t get on board until the fourth book was released. I anxiously awaited the release of each successive novel and my love of the books remained high while my hatred of the movies grew exponentially following the release of POA. Moving back to the now: Reading that Sean Bean had been cast to play Zeus in an upcoming movie version of Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Lightning Thief piqued my interest. (In all fairness, reading that Sean Bean ate a peanut butter sandwich would pique my interest, though.) It took a conversation between my Brazilian pals to convince me to get to know the content. Well, I guess you could say I “tweetdropped” on their twitter exchange. Heh.

This week, I read the entire Percy Jackson and The Olympians series. I absolutely adore it for many reasons. First and foremost on my list: the mythology. I have always had great interest in Greek mythology and these books had me researching all the characters as I went along to see just how many liberties had been taken with the gods as they were updated for this millennium. I have to admit that I was impressed with the modern take on each of them; even the slightly corny bits worked! Another reason I enjoyed the series was the ease of reading. Since they are technically childrens’ books, they were really quick reads. I also like the writing style of Rick Riordan. Each prophecy or mystery had me wanting, no needing, to know what would happen, and the story avoided so many of the “boy finds his destiny” cliches that I was satisfied with the twists and turns. I only wish there were even more books in the series.

Overall, I truly enjoyed the books and I can only hope the movies will be more Harry Potter and less Eragon in nature. Done properly, kids could one day be asking, “Harry who?”

Shot or Chop?

dahob.jpg Two things happened today, and I’m not which has set Hobbit completely off. First, I ruined my hair. As in, butchered it while trying to cut it myself. I had to get an emergency appointment and found out that my usual repairman has quit the salon. Oh no. The new stylist cut my hair into the most stereotypical hillbilly lesbionic do that all I needed was a flannel shirt and some Birkenstocks. Seriously. I had to have her cut it really short all over. Mia Farrow in Rosemary’s Baby looks like freakin’ Rapunzel next to me. Heh. I’ll really like it in a couple of weeks, though, so I didn’t get too upset.

The second event was that Istar met a new veterinarian today. We both liked her a lot, and he got his seasonal steroid shot to combat his asthma. He still weighs over 18lbs., but at least he hasn’t gained any weight since November. He’s currently resting in his bed and seems to feel just fine.

Diva Hobbit, however, has not stopped hissing since we got home. I was home for only a few minutes between the salon and the vet, so I didn’t really spend any time with her prior to his appointment. I can’t be certain if she’s hissing at Istar or me. She’s about one more hiss away from getting her little butt spanked. The last thing Istar needs is to fight after having to visit the vet, and the last thing I need is a reminder that my head looks scary. So, yeah. Stop it, Hobbit!

Never Change!

2istar9mo In an effort to change things up a bit, I moved all the furniture in the living room. I’ve moved rooms around for the last twenty years, but my new house is rather limiting in how I can arrange things without encountering a door or a vent of some kind. I finally figured out a decent floorplan, but I didn’t anticipate one thing: Cats.

Hobbit and Istar were NOT pleased with the new arrangement. Well, in all fairness, Istar spends 98% of his day confused, so I can’t really blame the move for his oddness. Hobbit, however, has not stopped letting me know that she is not impressed. She’s been very surprisingly vocal about her dislike. She stood at the former location of the couch and howled. She refused to nap on the couch in it’s new location. She shot death rays from her eyes at every chance. I just can’t have my Hob so upset.

Today, I moved it all back.

House Call

whologo.jpg I’ve come to the conclusion that whatever ails me can be fixed by a healthy dose of The Ninth Doctor. I’ve been on a three day bender and my cold is nearly gone, I’m not grumpy about work, and I’m actually quite pleasant to be around. I don’t really know why I love Nine so much, I just really, really do. Even the eps from Series 1 that I don’t particularly love (The Empty Child, The Doctor Dances) beat just about anything else on the tube. The picture here is actually a wallpaper from here. Amazing work!

I did take some time to catch S2 E1 of True Blood. Eh, it was alright. I don’t really love the show, but I’ll stick with it for a bit, especially since there isn’t much else on just yet.