All posts by Jenn

Sorta Boldly

trekSo I finally saw a movie opening weekend-ish. Here are my random thoughts: George Kirk is much greater than James Kirk; Ben was right, Karl Urban is the man; Pegg, not enough screentime; Spock(s), tremendously awesome; Bana, not menacing enough; BabyKirk, sucks; BabySpock, however, I WANT ONE; Fight scenes, blah.

Overall, I’d give it 4 stars, which is at least one full star (trek…ha!) more than I had anticipated.


lotr It’s exam time again! This means a lot of downtime when I can’t really get any work done. This year I’ve decided that I will re-read The Lord of the Rings. It’s been a few years since I read it, and though I am only up to Gandalf’s return to the The Shire and the revelation that Bilbo’s old ring is in fact the One Ring, I’m pleased with my progress. I’m deliberately reading more slowly and in depth this time, so maybe I’ll get even more out of it. I’ve even decided to actually read the poems. Yeah.

My “allergies” have grown into full on ear problems, and I’m not sure my treatment is strong enough. Bah. I also fear that the endgame cough is going to be killer this time. You know how you can just tell?

Happy Day, Dad!

I love this day. This, in the year of our entrance to the second great war, is the day my dad was born. While the party fell waaaay through, we are going to have it soon. I’m sick, Mom’s out of town, and Dad spent the day golfing and cutting grass. NOT a good way to celebrate. I’m so sad and disappointed. We’ll all make it up to him when we get together later this week.

Happy Birthday, Dad. You’re the best dad, golfer, mathematician, and hero a girl could ever want. :love: :cake: :love:

Surprising Daisies

Pushing Daisies The latest episode of PD had a very unexpected, yet very welcomed, guest star. Though the part was smallish, the detective was a true highlight for the series. It is a real shame this show is canceled. There are so many other shows I can recommend in its place that should have been canceled long ago; pretty much everything else on ABC’s schedule for starts.

Exactly a year ago, I was sick. I remember because it’s Dad’s birthday and last year I had to take the PRAXIS II test (which I aced, btw) and I was too sick to hold my head up through the examination. Anyway, I’m sick again. I’m going to stock up on vitamin C and hole up in my house for the week prior to this weekend next year. I’m putting it on the calendar now. Hmmph.