Category Archives: Computer

Yeah, Horrible

At one time, I would have died for Joss Whedon. Now? Not so much. Rabid fans turned me off before Firefly even premiered and now I think I may be prejudiced against Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog to the point that I can’t enjoy it. The actors are good enough, but the songs are just bad. It’s like Willow and Tara’s song over and over again. And over some more. I can’t believe how many people are clamoring to get this on DVD. Weird, yet oddly refreshing to see than fandom love lives on in the hearts of the devoted.

Exercise in Futility

At the end of the school year, I requested a database so I could convert our school’s site to WP. I didn’t hear anything, but I figured I was in no rush since I had to come up with a good layout and design. Well, today I finished it (and it looks spectacular, if I do say so myself). I emailed the tech people to get my database and was promptly told that they are buying some package for all the schools to use and I can’t have a database. Seriously,I’ve worked hours on this and though I know it’s my fault for not having the database from the start, I had no reason to believe it would never come through. Also, WordPress is free…and relatively easy to learn. Instead, we’ll have some FrontPage-type application, or worse.

I’m just really sad that I’m not going to be able to do the site afterall. I’m really not interested in stepping down to a Fisher-Price level and I don’t want to get involved with something like Joomla, which is what they’re using at their office. Shucks. Anyone want a really good school site theme?


Productivity, thy name is mine.  I shall now list my accomplishments for the week.

Wrote two papers and responded appropriately to others in one of my classes (whew!).

Caught up on all my shows including Torchwood (fun!), SGA (boring), Lost (sucks), Survivor (hurrah!)

Ordered Mom’s cookie cake for tomorrow

Gave Hobbit extra present of SuperScratcher (Awww)

Quite a bit of housework (finally).

And now, I have to go back and see what I’ve missed online, because I’ve managed to stay off all week.  Good for me!


zune1.jpgI’ve been waiting for this day my whole life. Yes. This day. My Zune, which I so lovingly named “Zune” now works with my MCE 2004 desktop. Gone are the days of dragging out the laptop just to run a wireless network through the house. I can sync anything, whenever I want. I am veeeeery happy.

The funny thing is, I had almost created this hack on my own. I had managed to Orca the .msi file properly, but I had no idea how much work getting WMP 11 would be for this OS. I emailed the author of the hack and gave my sincerest thanks, but it’s times like this I wish I had money to contribute to all the hard work that was put into making the Zune hack work.

Let’s sync! :clap: